Hanif Ghalandari

Assistant Professor

Update: 2024-12-04

Hanif Ghalandari

Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies / تاريخ و تمدن ملل اسلامي

Journal Paper

  1. "A Non-Aristotelian Interpretation of Orbs in the Post-Classical Islamic Age: Shams al-Dın al-Samarqandı in Science of the Cosmos and the Soul"
    Hanif Ghalandari, Hassan Amini
    Nazariyat, Vol. 8, No 2, 2022
  2. "Kharaqī’s Star Catalogue: A Star table from Medieval Arabic Astronomy"
    Hanif Ghalandari, Hassan Amini
    History of Science, Vol. 20, No 1, 2022
  3. "Jaghmını’s Mulakhkha~: An Islamic Introduction to Ptolemaic Astronomy. Sally P. Ragep"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    Nazariyat, Vol. 4, No 1, pp.154-156, 2017
  4. "The Methods of Teaching Mathematical Sciences & its Effectiveness from the Methods of Teaching Religious Sciences in Islamic Civilization in 3rd-5th AH"
    طاهره شریف زاده, Ahmad Badkoubeh Hazaveh, عبدالله فرهی, Hanif Ghalandari
    History of Science, Vol. 22/1, No 36, pp.47-67, 2024
  5. "Teaching mathematics and astronomy in Egypt during the Fatimid period (358-567 AH / 1171-969)"
    Ahmad Badkoubeh Hazaveh, طاهره شریف زاده, عبدالله فرهی, Hanif Ghalandari
    History of Islamic culture and civilization, Vol. 4/14, No 53, pp.73-94, 2023
  6. "Investigating the influence of the Samarqand scientific school on astronomy during the Ottoman period"
    بهرام دردی گری, Hanif Ghalandari
    History of Islamic culture and civilization, Vol. 13, No 48, pp.141-156, 2022
  7. "Finding the Meridian Line in the 13th chapter of the second book of ʿAbd al-Jabbār al-Kharaqī’s Muntaha al-Idrāk fī Taqāsīm al-Aflāk (The Utmost Attainment on the Divisions of the Orbs)"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    History of Science, Vol. 19, No 1, pp.135-156, 2021
  8. "Ptolemy’s Approach to Explain of the movements of the Planets in Latitude and its Physical Explanation"
    Mostafa Yavari, Hanif Ghalandari
    History of Science, Vol. 17, No 2, pp.365-387, 2020
  9. "Determination of the Longitude of Earth positions Based on Moon Eclipse in Bīrūnī’s Taḥdīd Nihāyāt al-Amākin"
    فرشاد کرم زاده, Hanif Ghalandari, غلامحسین رحیمی شعر باف
    Iranian Journal for the History of Islamic Civilization, Vol. 52, No 1, pp.157-172, 2019
  10. "Mathematical Geography in the First Astronomical Works of the Islamic Period"
    فرشاد کرم زاده, Hanif Ghalandari, غلامحسین رحیمی شعر باف
    History of Science, Vol. 14, No 2, 2019
  11. "Third Chpater of Kūshyār's Zīj and Farghānī's: Jawāmiʿ ʿ Ilm al-Nujūm: a Comparison between Two Predecessors of Hayʾa Works and Their Importance in hayʾa Books"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    History of Science, Vol. 12, No 1, pp.39-72, 2017
  12. "Abd al-Jabbar al-Kharaqi and his Hay'a Works"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    Mirror of Heritage, Vol. 51, No 51, pp.137-170, 2012
  13. "The Physical Nature of Heaven: A Survey of the Concept of Falak in Hay'a Works"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    History of Science, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.67-108, 2012

Conference Paper

  1. "ʿAbd al-Jabbār al-Kharaqī and his Muntaha al-Idrāk fī Taqāsīm al-Aflāk: the first comprehensive hayʾa work in 6th century A.H./12th century A.D."
    Hanif Ghalandari
    Mechanical Interpretation of the Universe in Islamic Astronomy and its Reception in the West, 2022
  2. "Quṭb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī’s References in his Hayʾa Writings to ʿAbd al-Djabbār al-Kharaqī’s Works, the 6th AH Century Hayʾa Author"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    International Quṭb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī Symposium, 2021
  3. "The Geometric Algebra: Khayyam's Method for Solving Equations"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    Topics on History of Greek and Islamic Mathematics, 2019
  4. "The First Cosmological Works (Rasāʾil al-Hayʾa) in Islamic Period A Comparison between al-Farghānī’s Jawāmiʿ ʿ Ilm al-Nujūm and the 3rd book of Kūshyār’s al-Zīj al-Jāmiʿ"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    Astronomical Heritage of the Middle East, 2017
  5. "The First Cosmological Works (Rasāʾil a;-Hayʾa) in the Islamic Period"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    Astronomical Heritage of the Middle East, 2017
  6. "Two Dimensional Orbs in Kushyar's Zij al-Jami"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    Internationa Conference in History of Science: Islam, Europe and China, 2016
  7. "The Predecessor Hayʾa Works: a Comparison between Structure of the Classical Hayʾa Works and the Predecessors"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    Cosmology & Cosmological Texts in Islamic Civilization, 2019
  8. "The Heavens Tear or Not? Arguments for and against the Properties of the Heavenly Spheres in the Works of some Islamic Scholars"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    Natural Philosophy in Islamic Civilization, 2018
  9. "Falak in Islamic hay'a works"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    6th Conference of the Role of the Islamic Iranian Scholars in Advancement of science, 2017
  10. "Classification of Animals: a Report from some Islamic Scholars’ Books"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    history of natural science in Iranian and Islamic civilization, 2017
  11. "ʿUmar al-Khayyāmī and Use an Analytical Method for Solving a Problem"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    Memoir of Umar Khayyam, 2017
  12. "From Alchemy to Chemistry"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    9th conference of Chemistry education in Iran, 2016
  13. "Ibn al-Haytham: Light and Sight"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    5th Conference of the Role of the Islamic Iranian Scholars in Advancement of science, 2016
  14. "Critics of Islamic Astronomers on the place of planets in Ptolemaic System"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    3rd Conference of the Role of the Islamic Iranian Scholars in Advancement of science, 2014
  15. "the 3rd chapte of Kushyar's Zij al-Jami and Farghani's Jawami Ilm al-Nujum"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    Kushyar Guilani Cinference, 2014
  16. "Man on the Moon: The Problem of Lunar Maculaea, from Ibn Haytham to Tusi"
    Hanif Ghalandari
    conference of the scientific and philosophical heritage of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, 2011