Toba Kermani


Update: 2025-03-14

Toba Kermani

Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies / Islamic Philosophy and Theology

Journal Paper

  1. "God in Aristotle's philosophy and in Sadra's Hikmah(Wisdom)"
    Toba Kermani
    Diotima, Vol. 43, No 43, pp.53-67, 2014
  2. "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: A Study of the essence and Crux of the convention"
    Toba Kermani
    Women s Rights and Responsibilitiesin an Islamic System-Articles, Vol. 1, pp.581-557, 2006
  3. "Women in Islam and Iran"
    Toba Kermani
    Information, Vol. -, pp.32-30, 2004
  4. "The role of the coalition of the rationality of the societies (elites) in solving the problems of the Islamic societies and establishing a peaceful and just justice around the Quds Sharif"
    Toba Kermani
    The secretariat of the thirty-second international conference of Islamic Unity, Vol. سی و دو, 2019
  5. "Clarification of Man's Voluntary Act Based an Explanation of Supplication (An Analysis of the Views of Ibn Sina, Mulla Sadra,and Allamah Tabatabaei on Supplication"
    Roohollah Daraei, Toba Kermani
    kheradname, Vol. 24, No 2, pp.5-21, 2018
  6. "The United Ummah,the Divine Systematic Ideology to Achieve Honorable life"
    Toba Kermani, Sabiha Nabati
    MAZAHEB, Vol. سال چهارم, pp.5-23, 2017
  7. "Methodology of Farabi in House Planning and its Influence"
    Toba Kermani, Soghra Salehi
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. دوره نوزدهم, No 76, pp.109-135, 2017
  8. "Order and Security on the Scale of New Islamic Civilization"
    Toba Kermani
    Naja Strategic Studies Resarch Journal, Vol. دوم, No 6, pp.25-40, 2017
  9. "Wisdom is the lost for Contomporary Human Being"
    Toba Kermani, Habib Karkon
    kherad nameh mullasadra, Vol. 20, No 20, 2017
  10. "Humanistic Identity of a Divine Messenger in Imamieh Theologian' Thought"
    Toba Kermani, Ali Khani
    ANDISHE-E- NOVIN-E-DINI, Vol. دوازدهم, No 45, pp.7-25, 2016
  11. "Culture and Life Style"
    Toba Kermani
    First National Conference on Islam and transcendent values ​​with an emphasis on ethics, Vol. 1, No 1, 2016
  12. "Critical reflection on the relation beetvin emagination and action"
    Roohollah Daraei, Toba Kermani
    kherad nameh mullasadra, Vol. بهار 95, No 83, pp.28-48, 2016
  13. "The Impact of Modern Media in the Attitude Change in Hijab and Chastity"
    Zahra Samavati, Toba Kermani
    پویش, Vol. سوم, pp.229-271, 2015
  14. "Methodological...."
    Habib Karkon, Mohsen Imani, Alireza Sadeghzadeh, Toba Kermani
    Islamic education, Vol. 10, No 20, pp.93-112, 2015
  15. "shiah Theology before of Motazeli'"
    Habib Karkon, Toba Kermani
    Comparative Theology, Vol. ششم, pp.15-30, 2015
  16. "Pattern of Behavior of tolerance and stability in the conduct and words of Imam Ali(pbh)"
    Toba Kermani, Maryam Kaluti
    Resherch of Nahjolbalagheh, Vol. 13, No 43, pp.31-62, 2015
  17. "Mulla sadra..."
    Toba Kermani, Roh Allah Daraei
    kherad nameh mullasadra, Vol. 20, No 1, pp.5-20, 2014
  18. "a critical investigation of the intellectual efforts of the moslem theologians and philosophers' views regarding the issue of the resurrection of animals"
    Toba Kermani, Keramat Varzdar
    Esra, Vol. 5, No 16, pp.71-95, 2014
  19. "Motion in al-Himat al-Mutaaliya "Transcendent Philosophy" and "Hegelian Dialectic""
    Toba Kermani, زینب شاوردی
    الحکمه, Vol. 2014, No 31, 2014
  20. "An Introduction to Philosophy, Management and Lifestyle in mulla Sadra"
    Toba Kermani
    kherad nameh mullasadra, Vol. 19/2, No 74, 2014
  21. "Analysis of Man Family Lifein practical Wisdom with an Emphasasis on Avecinna's Views"
    Toba Kermani, Fatima Solgy
    Philosophy and Kalam, Vol. 2, No 46, pp.123-142, 2014
  22. "Place of Discussion in knowledge Production in the Curriculum of Philosophy for Children"
    Toba Kermani, Zahra Ommi
    Philosophy and the child, Vol. 1, No 4, pp.7-19, 2014
  23. "The Philosophy of Being a Woman"
    Toba Kermani
    انجمن آثار و مفاخر فرهنگی, Vol. 124/2, 2013
  24. "Man as the Foundation of Being( An Interpretation of the Place of Anthropology in the Transcendent Philosophy)"
    Toba Kermani
    kherad nameh mullasadra, Vol. 70, No 70, pp.11-24, 2013
  25. "The Philosophical Premises of Globalization: The West and Islam"
    Toba Kermani
    The Path Journal of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Vol. 14, No 25, pp.67-94, 2012
  26. "Philosophy of Transcendent Ethics : Mulla Sadra's Place among Ethical Thinkers"
    Toba Kermani
    kherad nameh mullasadra, Vol. 66, No 66, pp.27-13, 2012
  27. "Analiysis and Criticism of the Hegelian Dialectic and Dialetical Materialism with an Emphasis upon Shahid motahhari's Thought"
    Toba Kermani, زینب شاوردی
    Esra, Vol. 10, No 2, 2012
  28. "fazzy Thought in Sadraian Philosophy"
    Toba Kermani, محمد حسن یعقوبیان
    kherad nameh mullasadra, Vol. 64, No 64, pp.63-80, 2011
  29. "A Comparative Analysis of The Meaning of God's Attributes..."
    Toba Kermani, مجتبی حیدری معاف
    Religions & Mastitism, Vol. 43, No 1, pp.105-85, 2010
  30. "Macranthoropos and Microcosm (Perfect Man in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy and its Historical Background"
    Toba Kermani
    kherad nameh mullasadra, Vol. 48, No 48, pp.24-32, 2007
  31. "ukgkjl"
    Toba Kermani
    nosus, Vol. 8, pp.219-236, 2007
  32. "gfhjf"
    Toba Kermani
    Risalatut-taqrib, Vol. -, 2006
  33. "kky"
    Toba Kermani
    Wisdom and Philosophy, Vol. 2, No 2, 2006
  34. "kjkjh"
    Toba Kermani
    Risalatut-taqrib, Vol. -, No 52, pp.117-111, 2006
  35. "Woman and Politics"
    Toba Kermani
    Risalatut-taqrib, Vol. 52, No 52, pp.111-117, 2006
  36. "kgkjgk"
    Toba Kermani
    alderasat.aladabia, Vol. -, pp.385-367, 2005
  37. "lhkgjg"
    Toba Kermani
    حقوق و مصلحت, Vol. -, No 7, pp.62-52, 2005
  38. "wisdom and Love in view point of Plato and Molavi"
    Toba Kermani
    Religions & Mastitism, Vol. 38, No 1, pp.163-145, 2005
  39. "Religious Democracy, ethics and Spirituality"
    Toba Kermani
    a, Vol. -, pp.168-164, 2003
  40. "jfjfjh"
    Toba Kermani
    Religions & Mastitism, Vol. 36, pp.9-27, 2003
  41. "lkj"
    Toba Kermani
    alderasat.aladabia, Vol. 2, pp.77-91, 2003
  42. "jjjbl"
    Toba Kermani
    kherad nameh mullasadra, Vol. -, No 28, pp.55-58, 2002
  43. "hjgkug"
    Toba Kermani
    گفتمان, Vol. 3, No 3, pp.203-195, 1999
  44. "ugug"
    Toba Kermani
    kherad nameh mullasadra, Vol. -, pp.91-96, 1996
  45. "l;l;l"
    Toba Kermani
    kherad nameh mullasadra, Vol. 4, No 4, pp.40-31, 1996

Conference Paper

  1. "chastity in the Holy Quran"
    Toba Kermani
    international Conferrence on Moslim Women Dignity, 2010
  2. "A Comparative Study between Substance in Islamic philosophy and Western Rationalist Phlosophy"
    Toba Kermani
    Transcendent Philpsophy, 2004
  3. "The Philosophical bases of Iran"
    Toba Kermani
    Molla Sadra and His Philospphy, 2001
  4. "Molla Sadra and stages of towhid(Unity"
    Toba Kermani
    Molla Sadra, 1999
  5. "Aashura' Lessons and Eternalness Reasons from Past Karbala until Now"
    Toba Kermani
    Cultural International Spring of Martydom, 2018
  6. "Effect of Aashura' Value in Continuance of Holy Defence"
    Toba Kermani
    Cultural International Spring of Martydom( Shahada), 2018
  7. "Valuable Position of Motherhood and it' role in realizing of Perfection"
    Toba Kermani
    Ways of strengthening and realizing for family prosperity, 2018
  8. "Two approaches in human history for the affliction of human spirit and its perfection In the issue of "woman", we are not accountable to the West; the West must be responsive to us."
    Toba Kermani
    Women in Two Point of View, 2018
  9. "nazm va amniyyat"
    Toba Kermani
    naja ..., 2018
  10. "Search and Criticism of CONVENTION on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against women " CEDAW""
    Toba Kermani
    Woman and family in view point of Islamic Law and Civil Law, 2017
  11. "The identity of the Metaphorical relationship and its implications in the realm of human existence"
    Toba Kermani, Foad Kamran Marashi
    Philosophy in cyberspace, 2017
  12. "The main factor is the lack of success in consolidating the unity"
    Toba Kermani
    The implementation of the unity in the Islamic world diplomacy strategy, 2017
  13. "Takfiries' emagination is the worst obstacle against New Islamic Civilization"
    Toba Kermani
    Unity and neccesity of being against Takfiries' Emagination, 2016
  14. "Wisdom, Modern Man Missing"
    Toba Kermani, Habib Karkon
    Philosophy and The World without Philosophy, 2016
  15. "Culture and Life Style"
    Toba Kermani
    Islam and Transcendent Values, 2016
  16. "Mosque or School in Syria In Cotemporary Situation"
    Toba Kermani
    Sientific and Cultural Cooporations, 2016
  17. "Fatima the Lady of Mercy"
    Toba Kermani
    Fatima, Symbol of Complet Human Being, 2016
  18. "Diferrence or Discrimination about Woman in Islam"
    Toba Kermani
    Real Identity of Woman in Islam, 2015
  19. "How we can have Unity?"
    Toba Kermani
    Unity in thr World of Islam, 2015
  20. "Women and Societies"
    Toba Kermani
    Challenges and Moslem Woman, 2015
  21. "Peace is the Function of Transcendent Philosophy"
    Toba Kermani
    Philosophy and world Peace, 2014
  22. "The truth and Nature of Islam and Identity of Prophet Mohammad are Intrinsic Barrier for Discrimination"
    Toba Kermani
    The Holly Quran and it's Role in Unity of Islamic Ommah, 2014
  23. "Religious Democracy, Ethics and Spirituality"
    Toba Kermani
    Theory of Religious Democracy, 2013
  24. "Woman is The Colomn of Family"
    Toba Kermani
    New Real Identity of Moslem Woman in View Point of Revolation'Leader, 2013
  25. "Philosophy, Management and Life Style"
    Toba Kermani
    Philosophy and Life's Path, 2013
  26. "The Rational Basis of Diferrences in Economic Woman rights in Islam"
    Toba Kermani
    philosophy of women's Rights in Islam, 2013
  27. "Language, one of the element of cooperation"
    Toba Kermani
    Educational Workshop for Islamic cooporation, 2013
  28. "Factors of Uncorrected view point of Western about Holly Prophet (p)"
    Toba Kermani
    Grand Prophet(p) Symbol of Unifited Islamic Ummah's Identity, 2013
  29. "Mistery of Being for every time"
    Toba Kermani
    The International Conference on the thought of Ayatollah Tas khiri, 2013
  30. "Is the acquisition of Science in Islam or Islamic Society Gender-Based? and The Managerial and Administretive Roles of Women"
    Toba Kermani
    The Managerial and Administrative Role of Women, 2012
  31. "Philosophycal Foundation of Civilization in West and Islam"
    Toba Kermani
    Religion and Civilization, 2012
  32. "The Role of NGO's in Islamic awaring and their Supporting of Women's Movements"
    Toba Kermani
    international Conferrence on Moslim Women and Islamic Awaring, 2012
  33. "logical Subject in view point of Mirfendereski"
    Toba Kermani
    National Seminar of Hakim Mirfendereski, 2012
  34. "Understanding and loving(Having Sample is a need for human Beings)"
    Toba Kermani
    Awareness and Interest related to Innate Need of Human Being to Pattern, 2012
  35. "Role of women in the developments of the world of islam"
    Toba Kermani
    Dignity of Women and Family, 2011
  36. "Role of Muslim Women in the Scientific, Cultural, and Social Development of Islamic Countries in Contemporary World"
    Toba Kermani
    the Role of Women in the Progress of Islamic Countries, 2011
  37. "Transcendent morality"
    Toba Kermani
    Transcendent morality in Transcendent Philosophy, 2011
  38. "Justice in the Qur'an as a prerequisite for true peace"
    Toba Kermani
    Justice, 2011
  39. "The Factors of Tending to Sectarianism"
    Toba Kermani
    The 23th International Conferrence on Islamic Unity, 2010