Abedin Momeni


Update: 2024-12-04

Abedin Momeni

Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies / فقه‌ و مباني‌ حقوق‌ اسلامي‌

Journal Paper

  1. "The Legal Verdict on Meeting and Dialogue before Marriage"
    Abedin Momeni
    Biannual journal Quran and religious Enlightenment, Vol. 2, No 2, pp.159-187, 2021
  2. "investing ghderifar the effect of the foreign trades principle with the damage of the economy of the islamic society"
    Abedin Momeni
    Journal of New Approaches in Civil Engineering, Vol. 1, No 31, 2018
  3. "A critical look at the civil responsibility of judges in Iranian jurisprudence and law"
    Shaghayegh Shamsi, Abedin Momeni
    motaleat .e.taghrib mazaheb.e.islami, Vol. 2, No 232545, 2023
  4. "Examining the relevance of ignorance to the Shari'a ruling in criminal liability"
    syed mohammad sadry, Abedin Momeni, Mohammad mahdi
    Law and Jurisprudence, Vol. 18, No 69, 2022
  5. "zddd"
    Ahmad Bagheri, Abedin Momeni, Hal Ataei Seyyed Mahmoud
    Jurisprudence and principles, Vol. 54, No 128, 2022
  6. "the place of expediency in the decisions of the Guardian Council; A case study of the extradition of criminals"
    الهام سادات امیری, Mohammad Eshaghi, Abedin Momeni
    The Islamic Revolution Approach, Vol. 16, No 57, 2022
  7. "azsdsa"
    Mohammad Gaderifar, Abedin Momeni, علی اکبر ایزدی فرد , Ali Fagihi
    ILR, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.65-77, 2022
  8. "Investigating the religious or transactional nature of marriage from the point of view of the parties' jurisprudence"
    Zohreh Rabiee mohem, Abedin Momeni, Mehdi Zolfaghari
    motaleat .e.taghrib mazaheb.e.islami, Vol. 17, No 56, 2022
  9. "The status of the cultural rights in the Islamic legal system and the fundamental laws of Iran Iraq and Pakistan by looking at international documents."
    Javad Shayanfar, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, Abedin Momeni
    journal of subcontinent Researches, Vol. 13, No 41, pp.171-194, 2021
  10. "Obligatory Ruling of Unjustified Leaving Family Life by the Husband Reliance on the Wife’s Sexual Intercourse Right in the Jurisprudence of the Five Major Schools"
    Elham Maazi, Hosein Davarzani, Abedin Momeni
    Fiqhi & Usuli Research, Vol. 7, No 24, 2021
  11. "Resolving the conflict of strengthening the family by accepting the privacy of the couple in Islamic jurisprudence"
    رمضانعلی شعبانی, Abedin Momeni, علی اکبر ایزدی فرد
    ft, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.235-258, 2021
  12. "Alimony of the Wife and the Purposes of the Shari'a"
    Fatemeh Mahmoodi, علی اکبر ایزدی فرد , Abedin Momeni
    researches of jurisprudence and islamic law, Vol. 17, No 64, pp.131-144, 2021
  13. "azaaa"
    سید جلال موسوی نسب, Abedin Momeni, نادر مختاری افراکتی, امیرحمزه سالارزایی
    marefa t, Vol. 4, No 283, pp.49-63, 2021
  14. "az"
    Abedin Momeni, مجید قربانعلی دولایی, Meitham Behdadfar
    fiq moqaran, Vol. 8, No 16, pp.55-79, 2021
  15. "tamoli...."
    فاطمه مهدوی, Abedin Momeni
    Political and international researches Quarterly, Vol. 11, No 45, 2021
  16. "The Right to Cheerfulness and Happiness and the Criteria for Enjoying It According to the Two Branches of Faith"
    مهدی نوریان , Abedin Momeni
    Journal of Educational Jurisprudence Studies, Vol. 7, No 14, pp.301-329, 2021
  17. "The Effects of Tamkin (Wife Obedience) Being Hukm/ Taklif (Decree/ Duty) or Haq (Right) in Jurisprudence of Islamic Denominations"
    Abedin Momeni, Sheila Rostami, Abubakr Ahmadi, SHILAN SAJJADI
    motaleat .e.taghrib mazaheb.e.islami, Vol. 15, No 53, 2020
  18. "ma...."
    احسان آهنگری, Abedin Momeni
    A study of Islamic Law Imam Sadegh University, 2020
  19. "atr"
    Elham Maazi, Abedin Momeni
    Jurisprudence and the Fundaments of Islamic Law, Vol. 52, No 2, 2020
  20. "the legiti..."
    Abedin Momeni
    Studies in Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Vol. 11, No 21, 2019
  21. "Jurisprudential study of data confinement in cyberspace"
    علی اکبر ایزدی فرد, Abedin Momeni, سید مجتبی حسین نژاد, فاضل امیری سوادرودباری
    Teachings of civil jurisprudence, Vol. 11, No 20, pp.49-76, 2019
    Abedin Momeni, عبدالسبحان صدیقی
    motaleat .e.taghrib mazaheb.e.islami, Vol. 14, No 51, 2019
  23. "egtehad dar eg"
    Abedin Momeni
    fiq moqaran, Vol. سال ششم, No 12, pp.5-39, 2019
  24. "tamoli..."
    سید جلال موسوی نسب, نادر مختاری افراکتی, Abedin Momeni, امیرحمزه سالارزایی
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. 20, No 80, 2018
  25. "azas"
    Abedin Momeni, محمد ابراهیم کلباسی
    Journal of Educational Jurisprudence Studies, Vol. 4, No 8, pp.141-168, 2018
  26. "Analysis of the relationship"
    Abedin Momeni, Ali Shia Ali
    fiq moqaran, Vol. سال پنجم, No 10, pp.85-105, 2017
  27. "factors affecting"
    Abedin Momeni, Seyyed Mahmood Alavi, Hamed Rostami Najaf Abadi
    Studies in Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Vol. سال 9, No 17, pp.235-256, 2017
  28. "The Rule of Immortality and the Evolution of Time"
    Abedin Momeni, سید محمد صدری, علی پیردهی
    researches of jurisprudence and islamic law, Vol. 13, No 48, 2017
  29. "fegh and"
    Abedin Momeni, Ali Akbar Farah Zadi, Ali Shie Ali
    fiq moqaran, Vol. سال چهارم, No 8, pp.47-65, 2017
  30. "shora and b"
    Abedin Momeni
    Quarterly Book review Jurisprudence and law, Vol. سال سوم, pp.61-84, 2017
  31. "tagnin"
    Abedin Momeni, Seyyed Mahmood Alavi, Hamed Rostami Najafabadi
    Journal of Islamic rule, Vol. سال 22, No 83, pp.85-95, 2017
  32. "A study of the"
    Abedin Momeni, Aliakbar Farahzadi, Ali Shie Ali
    fiq moqaran, Vol. سال چهارم, No 8, pp.16-47, 2017
  33. "wilayat -"
    Abedin Momeni
    fiq moqaran, Vol. سال سوم, No 6, pp.105-122, 2016
  34. "haae"
    Abedin Momeni, Hamed Rostami Najaf Abadi
    fiq moqaran, Vol. سال سوم, No 5, pp.9-39, 2016
  35. "fegh tarbiatee"
    Abedin Momeni
    Quarterly Book review Jurisprudence and law, Vol. سال اول, 2015
  36. "ravesh shenasee"
    Abedin Momeni
    legal, Vol. سال اول, No 2, pp.93-73, 2015
  37. "asle ada"
    Abedin Momeni, Seyed Mohammad Hoseyni
    motaleat .e.taghrib mazaheb.e.islami, Vol. جدید, No 39, pp.7-19, 2015
  38. "sarzami"
    Abedin Momeni, Zari Zamani
    motaleat .e.taghrib mazaheb.e.islami, Vol. سال دهم, No 38, pp.56-76, 2015
  39. "legal reveiew and"
    Abedin Momeni
    legal, Vol. سال اول, pp.73-98, 2014
  40. "ozr am"
    Mohammad Moleni, Abedin Momeni
    researches of jurisprudence and islamic law, Vol. سال دهم, No 35, pp.141-156, 2014
  41. "Difference"
    Abedin Momeni
    Jurisprudence and the Fundaments of Islamic Law, Vol. سال 48 بهار و تابستان 1392, 2013
  42. "خاتمیت و تلفیق ضرورت امامت و اجتهاد بر مبنای دیدگاه استاد شهید مرتضی مطهری"
    Abedin Momeni
    پژوهش واندیشه, Vol. -, 2007
  43. "آیه حلیه و قضاوت زن"
    Abedin Momeni
    Religions & Mastitism, Vol. 39, No 1, pp.122-103, 2006
  44. "شرط خیار در نکاح"
    Abedin Momeni
    researches of jurisprudence and islamic law, Vol. -, No 12, pp.125-150, 2005
  45. "دراسه حول خلاف الامامیه مع اهل السنه و الدیانات السماویه الاخری بشان آخر سفیر الهی"
    Abedin Momeni
    Al Afaq Alhzarh, Vol. -, No 15, 2005
  46. "شبهه تعارض امکان فهم قرآن با ضرورت وجود معصوم"
    Abedin Momeni
    Tahqiqate Ulume Quran Wa Hadith, Vol. -, No 2, pp.7-30, 2004